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6th Feb 2020Congratulations to five Y12 students for reaching the finals of the Innovate TfL Challenge 2020 (a Work-related Learning Challenge):
Mirandolina, Kerem, Andrei, Jena and Sofia
Over thirty schools entered the competition this year and only four teams won places in the finals to be held on February 26 2020.
Innovate TfL asks groups of young people in Years 12 and 13 to work together to come up with an innovative solution to a real TfL challenge. Supported by TfL and their school, college or youth organisation and working in teams of four to six, the students must produce:
· A filmed presentation in school (up to five minutes) with all team members contributing. The presentation consists of a Powerpoint with students presenting to camera, and is judged on content, not production values.
· An 'advert' for their innovation (30 seconds), which could be animation, infographics or any medium viewed on a screen.
· A design of their innovation in any medium they choose: physical model, computer aided design model, technical picture or an artistic impression
They then present their idea to senior TfL staff, stakeholders and suppliers. All the finalists' presentations, adverts and designs will be show cased and the teams will answer questions from the TfL panel and supply chain experts before a winner is chosen. All finalists are awarded two weeks work experience with TfL.
Well done!