Stay safe online
With the growing use of electronic media, it is vital that children and young people are supported to stay safe when using the internet, mobile 'phones, gaming and social networking.
Students – remember:
- Keep your privacy settings as high as possible.
- Never give out your passwords.
- Don't post any personal information online – like your address, email or mobile number.
- Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you have put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it – it is not just yours anymore.
- Don't befriend people you don't know.
- Don't meet up with people you've met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do this.
- Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are.
- Think carefully about what you say before you post something online.
- Respect other people's views, even if you don't agree with them it doesn't mean you need to be rude.
- If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried, leave the website turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.
Parents – in school, we raise awareness of the importance of safe and responsible Internet use. The school Internet use is monitored and students are helped to understand the school's Acceptable Use Policy Agreement.
We are sure you take seriously your responsibility is to keep your children safe online out of school. If you would like any help in minimising some of the risks your child may face when using social media, please call the school on (020) 8609 0100 asked to speak to your child's tutor or Head of Year. The school's draft online safety policy and a leaflet with advice on how you can help your child/children stay safe can be opened /downloaded from the links below.
Links you may find useful:
The use of Discord instant messaging and chat platform, which has an age rating of 13+:
Haringey Council has produced a leaflet about keeping children and young people safe from radicalism and extremism. You may have no such concerns about your child but you may still find the document interesting for the general comments it makes about knowing where your children are, keeping communication lines open, listening to them and talking about their interests. Please check this page on the Council's website.
Page Downloads |
Keep your child/children safe online |
Online Safety Policy - draft |