What do governors do?
As governors, we:
- Set the Academy’s strategic direction: its mission, ethos, overall aims and objectives
- Monitor and evaluate the Academy’s performance, particularly in public examinations
- Support and challenge the Principal and his staff to improve performance
- Are accountable to our sponsors, parents and the community for the standard of education and care which the Academy provides to all our students
Our role is strategic; we do not get involved in the day to day running of the school which is the responsibility of Mr Sutton and his staff.
The kinds of issues we deal with
These include:
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses in examination performance
- The school’s plans for improvement
- Month by month analysis of behaviour and attendance statistics
- Approval of policies such as on safeguarding and admissions
- Decision-making on staff pay increases
- Approval of the school’s annual budget
- Approval of the school's annual report and financial statements
We are also required to sit on panels that hear formal complaints and decide on permanent exclusions.
The Governing Body and its committees
The full Governing Body meets 5-6 times a year. It has a number of committees, each of which meets at least termly:
- Full Governing Body – Chair: Hugh Reynolds
- Finance and Premises (FP) – Chair: Mark Boult
- Student and Community (S&C) – Chair: Jacqui Miller
- Teaching and Learning (T&L) – Chair: Helen Drummond
- Audit and Risk (ARC) – Chair: David Sewell
Annual Report and Financial Statements
You can find out more about the Academy's governance and the terms of reference of the Governing Body and its committees in our Annual Report and Financial Statements, which can be downloaded from the link in the left-hand column of this page.
Contacting governors
One or more governors will try to attend most parents’ evenings, when they welcome any feedback - positive or not so positive - from parents.
At any time, parents and staff may raise general issues with governors. Issues pertaining to individual students are for the school to resolve.
To raise any issues with the Governing Body, please send an email or letter to the Chair of the Governing Body, Hugh Reynolds. Alternatively, you may approach one of the current parent governors, Jasmyn Ross, Juan Rinaldi or Kate Thomas.
Should you wish to write a letter, the address for all members of the Governing Body is the school address:
Greig City Academy, High Street, Hornsey, London, N8 7NU.
Alternatively, please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Viv Oxley, who will put you in touch with a governor. Ms Oxley can be contacted on 020 8609 0175 or by email: voxley@greigcityacademy.co.uk.