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Our latest Ofsted report

Our most recent Ofsted inspection was held on 14 and 15 January 2025. We will post a link to the inspection report on this page once it has been published.

Meanwhile, you can read our 2019 Ofsted report by downloading it from this page or by checking the Ofsted website

Here are some of the comments inspectors made in 2019:

'Pupils feel proud to be part of this strong and supportive school community.' 

'Pupils’ behaviour is calm and purposeful. Pupils are polite and respectful to each other and to their teachers.' 

'Pupils have a real desire to do the best they can, both at school and in the future.'  

'Sixth-form students we spoke to were extremely complimentary about their school experience and the support and opportunities they have received.' 

'Leaders have high expectations of pupils and are ambitious for their academic achievement.'   

'Teachers have strong subject knowledge and are enthusiastic about what they teach. They know what pupils find difficult in different subjects.  Staff are very clear on what each pupil needs to fulfil their potential.'  

'Opportunities for pupils’ personal development at the school are exceptional. Pupils have the opportunity to take part in an inspirational programme of extracurricular activities in sport, outdoor pursuits and creative arts.'

In 2016, the Academy had a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report.

This aimed to answer the question: “How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church of England school?” The key questions are: 

  • How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
  • What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?

  • How effective is the religious education (for VA schools)

  • How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?

You can read the inspection report by downloading it below


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