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A good time was had by all at the Y7 outdoor ed residential

16th Nov 2023

All Year 7s have a chance to go to Bradwell outdoor ed centre for a 3-day residential in October. Here's what 4 students told us:

"It was a life-changing experience. I enjoyed making a raft and making friends with people from the other forms – it was really great fun." Margot, 7SD

"It was really good – I went on the high ropes and then got scared at the top so I had to hold onto the ropes with dear life." Cheniyah, 7JA

"I was quite brave because when I got to the top of the high ropes I let go and did a chicken dance. We had a shock of the first day because we had been told that if the fire alarm went off it was not a drill, then just five minutes later the fire alarm did go off. Fortunately, it was by mistake." Anna, 7JA

"One of the things I liked best was the bike ride on the path along the beach. We couldn’t go on the beach itself because there was a lot of sludge and if we had fallen in it we would have smelled awful for weeks. We visited two abandoned towers and when we sat around the campfire one of the 6th formers told us scary stories." Lucas, 7TE

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