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Back to newsNadir - winner of The Barbara Simon Award for Excellent Achievement in the Arts
14th Dec 2021Hearty congratulations to Nadir, Year 13, winner of the first Barbara Simon Award for Excellent Achievement in the Arts, sponsored by Hornsey Parochial Charities (HPC).
Nadir received his award from Jennifer Mann, Chair of HPC. Father Patrick, GCA Chaplain, Petal Kaddu, a GCA governor, and fellow students were also in attendance.
The award is made in memory of Barbara Simon, a Trustee of HPC for many years. It will be presented annually to a student who has shown exceptional achievement and potential in an arts subject. We are very grateful to the Trustees of HPC for the opportunity to make this award.
Barbara was an enthusiastic supporter of access to education for everyone, so it is fitting for an award to be given for educational purposes in her name.
She worked selflessly and tirelessly in voluntary work and her devotion to duty made her a pivotal member of three school governor boards, local groups and the Labour Party. She was also a local councillor in Haringey and played an instrumental role in getting a purpose-built site for the Blanche Neville School for deaf children.
Nadir is truly a worthy winner of this award. He is dedicated to his art and rarely seen without a pencil or brush in his hand. He is a talented illustrator and portraitist as well as being in demand as a mural artist. Nadir will be going on to art college next year to study illustration. We wish him a successful career in a field he clearly loves.