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Back to newsFaith Matters - a message from Fr Patrick and Ms Shobowale
5th Jul 2021On Wednesdays and Fridays during term time two groups, one for students and the other for staff, have been meeting to pray and talk together about their Christian faith. The idea came about as the GCA went into the first lockdown, and Ms Shobowale tells us about it here.
During 2020, as the nation went into lockdown it was a strange and difficult time for both teachers and students. Whilst teaching students online it came very apparent that there was a need for the pupils to have something to hope for / believe in. I collaborated with Father Patrick about the idea of a faith group. This was the start of a group called ‘Faith Matters’.
Faith Matters for students started via Microsoft Teams on Friday afternoons. Sessions included: a time of worship, prayer, reading and group discussion on a topic. Pupils were really engaged and enjoying the sessions. I believe that 'Faith Matters' has helped the pupils and me to grow deeper in our faith and find different ways we can use faith in our everyday lives.
As a result of the students 'Faith Matters', some teachers heard about the group and were inquiring if there could be a similar one for them. This was the birth of ‘Teachers Faith Matters’. The group started Friday evenings. This was really nice to see teachers come together to discuss their faith and how it has helped them during lockdown.
After schools reopened, both students and teachers 'Faith Matters' moved to in- person. The sessions took place in the chapel at lunch time. Currently the Students Faith Matters are still happening in the Chapel at lunch time and the Teachers' one has moved back to online.
I hope that both groups will continue to flourish and bring both students and teachers closer to their faith.
One student who joined was Pablo Cedeno who writes….
The reason I joined is because I'm a Christian and I wanted to see if I could help people change and accept God. Also, I was going through a lot of hard times and I need help to stay strong in my faith.