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Back to newsWell done to two poets - Bismark and Eden-Miah
23rd Mar 2021Back in 2020, Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding organisation, asked students in Years 9, 10 and 11 to celebrate their latest collection of poems, Belonging, by taking inspiration from one of the poems, In Wales, wanting to be Italian, and writing their own.
A big cheer for Bismark, Y10, and Eden-Miah, Y11, for taking 1st and 3rd place in the competition.
The title of Bismark's poem is 'Nowhere'.
'I entered the competition because I related to the theme of ‘belonging’; sometimes I find it hard to understand who I am as a person and what I want to be represented as. What I like about writing poetry is the same as I feel about music, as both music and poetry allow me to pour out the emotions I am feeling at the time.'
Eden-Mia's title is 'Among the Rose Ones'.
'My poem was simply inspired by the harsh reality of the world. I wanted to think of something more creative and outside the box to portray the idea that people are treated in society based on appearance and so I used flowers.
'The two very different flowers represent two types of people in society. Rose Ones refer to those with undeniable "beauty". The Yellow Ones, later revealed to be sunflowers, represent those who long to be like the roses – the centres of attention who receive special treatment.'